Knowledge and Expertise

These and other related publications can be found on
Dr. Oswald’s Research Gate profile





Wilczewski, H., Mulfinger, E., Oswald, F. L., & Kortum, P. (in press). The role of personality and cognitive ability in the measurement of usability. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Hambrick, D. Z., Burgoyne, A. L., & Oswald, F. L. (2024). The validity of general cognitive ability predicting job-specific performance is stable across different levels of job experience. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109, 437-455.

Oswald, F. L., Courey, K. A., & Liu, Z. (2023). Knowledge, skills, and workforce development: Commentary on Ackerman (2023). American Psychologist, 78, 298-300.

Hambrick, D. Z., Macnamara, B. N., & Oswald, F. L. (2020). Is the deliberate practice view defensible? A review of evidence and discussion of issues. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Oswald, F. L. (2019). Measuring and modeling cognitive ability: Some comments on Process Overlap Theory. Journal of Applied Memory and Cognition, 8, 296-300.

Hambrick, D. Z., Burgoyne, A. P., & Oswald, F. L. (2019). Domain-general models of expertise: The role of cognitive ability. In P. Ward, J. M. Schraagen, J. Gore, & E. Roth (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of expertise. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

McAbee, S. T., Oswald, F. L. (2017). Statistical methods in the study of expertise. In D. Z. Hambrick, G. Campitelli, & B. N. Macnamara (Eds.). The science of expertise: Behavioral, neural, and genetic approaches to complex skill. New York: Routledge.

Hambrick, D. Z., Altmann, E. M., Oswald, F. L., Meinz, E. J., & Gobet, F. (2014).  Facing facts about deliberate practice. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition, 5, 1-2.

Hambrick, D. Z., Altmann, E. M., Oswald, F. L., Meinz, E. J., Gobet, F., & Campitelli, G. (2014). Accounting for expert performance: The devil is in the details. Intelligence, 45, 112-114.

Hambrick, D. Z., Oswald, F. L., Altmann, E. M., Meinz, E. J. (2014). Deliberate practice: Is that all it takes to become an expert? Intelligence, 45, 34-45.

Beier, M. E., & Oswald, F. L. (2012). Is cognitive ability a liability?: A critique and future research agenda on skilled performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 331-345.

Oswald, F. L., & Hough, L. M. (2012). I-O 2.0 from Intelligence 1.5: Staying (just) behind the cutting edge of intelligence theories. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5, 172-175.

Hambrick, D. Z., Meinz, E. J., Pink, J. E., Pettibone, J. C., & Oswald, F. L. (2010). Learning outside the laboratory: Ability and non-ability influences on acquiring political knowledge. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 40-45.

Hambrick, D. Z., Meinz, E. J., & Oswald, F. L. (2007). Individual differences in current events knowledge: Contributions of ability, personality, and interests. Memory and Cognition, 35, 304-316.

Hambrick, D. Z., & Oswald, F. L. (2005). Does domain knowledge moderate involvement of working memory capacity in higher-level cognition? A test of three models. Journal of Memory and Language, 52, 377-397.